Nepal Celebrates September 18 as the National Family Planning Day on FPAN’s Foundation Day .
In 1959, the Family Planning Association of Nepal (FPAN), a member of IPPF, pioneered the Family Planning Programme in Nepal which inspired the government to start family planning services that were introduced in 1968. Since then, FPAN has been supplementing the national health and population programmes. And with the help of women, young people and partner's collective participation, they have taken the message of family planning into every nook and corner of Nepal.
FPAN aims at providing comprehensive sexuality education to all women and men. This includes information on sexual and reproductive healthcare; the prevention and treatment of HIV and AIDS; safe abortion; and the prevention and support for the victims of gender-based violence (GBV).
In 1996, the President of FPAN, who was also a member of the National Assembly, in Nepal's Upper House of Parliament, introduced a private bill, related to the amendment of the abortion law, in the Spring (10th) Session. While this bill did make much headway, it did act as an impetus to a government-sponsored reform bill. In 2002, the Government of Nepal passed a liberal abortion law, allowing all women, regardless of their past or present marital status, the freedom of right and choice of availing safe abortion services.
In 2014, Government of Nepal has recognised September 18, the Foundation Day of FPAN as the National Day of Family Planning. Family Planning Association of Nepal's (FPAN's) contribution in promoting and securing sexual and reproductive health have been recognised by the Government of Nepal. A national task force led by the Ministry of Health has been formed and comprises of donors, UN agencies and civil society organisations working on sexual and reproductive health and rights including FPAN to mark this important day for the nation.
On the occasion of Nepal's first ever National Family Planning Day, Family Planning Association of Nepal, provided free services in all its clinics up till September 26th, 2014.