FPAN, Executive Director, Dr. Prabin Shakya, accompanied by the Finance Director, Mr. Nabaraj Dhakal, met Ambassador of Norway to Nepal, Honorable Torun Dramdal at her residence on 20th May 2024. In the meeting, Dr. Shakya briefed about the history, growth, current program, coverage, and contribution of FPAN in improving SRH of people across Nepal through advocacy for enabling policies and programs; increasing awareness on FP/SRHR; and increasing access to FP/SRH services via clinical network, mobile camps and community-based distribution. Ambassador Dramdal expressed her admiration for FPAN's work and contribution in the field of SRHR, noting that Nepal is very progressing in SRHR compared to other South Asian countries. She also informed that Norwegian Government NORAD has been supporting FPAN and other organizations working in SRHR in Nepal. NORAD has supported FPAN through UNFPA and IPPF. She made clear that direct funding from the Embassy is rare, but will continue to support FPAN through UNFPA, IPPF and other mechanisms, whichever possible. Dr. Shakya thanked the people of Norway, Norwegian Government and Royal Norwegian Ambassy for all the support they have provided to FPAN, Nepal Government and other stakeholders to ensuring SRHR of all in Nepal. Ambassador Torun Dramdal thanked FPAN for providing a brief introduction to FPAN and its work on FP and SRHR. She assured that she would share FPAN’s activities and contribution in SRHR with others too and will support FPAN in connecting with other potential donors, partners and members of European Union.
Meeting Honourable Madam Torun Dramdal, Ambassador, Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kathmandu.to work together for ensuring sexual and reproductivehealth and rights of all.
